Newcastle City Council broadens grant eligibility, aiding businesses with eco-vehicle upgrades

Published: 2024-03-02 by, News Team in the Business & Finance news category

Newcastle Expands Clean Air Zone Grants, Easing Toll Burdens for Businesses

Newcastle City Council's recent decision to broaden the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) grant scheme marks a significant step in mitigating toll burdens for numerous business owners within the city. With the expansion of grant eligibility criteria, more individuals will have access to financial support aimed at facilitating the transition to environmentally-friendly vehicles, thus aligning with the council's sustainability objectives.

Under mounting pressure to utilize the £15 million allocated for upgrades, council leaders recognized the necessity for revising the grant funding criteria. The previous stringent guidelines had rendered many motorists ineligible, contributing to the underutilization of available funds. In response, the council initiated amendments to the eligibility criteria, acknowledging the challenges faced by businesses, especially small traders, in meeting the previous requirements.

A spokesperson from the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) emphasized the positive impact of the changes, highlighting how hundreds of local businesses stand to benefit from funding support for cleaner vehicle acquisition. By expanding eligibility to include any van, LGV, or minibus registered within Newcastle, Gateshead, or North Tyneside, the council aims to foster widespread participation in the grant scheme.

While the revised criteria offer renewed hope for many businesses, challenges persist for entities operating outside the specified regions. Businesses in Sunderland or Northumberland, although working within the CAZ boundaries, remain ineligible for funding support, underscoring the limitations imposed by the available funding pool.

Despite the progress made, the council emphasizes the need to prioritize funding allocation for businesses operating within the Clean Air Zone, reflecting the finite nature of the grant budget. As such, careful consideration is given to businesses with regular operations within the designated zone, ensuring that funding is directed where it is most needed.

In light of the changes, the council anticipates a surge in applications from previously unsuccessful candidates, estimating that up to 500 residents, businesses, and community groups may now meet the revised eligibility criteria. However, it is crucial to note that the council will not accept applications for retrospective funding, emphasizing the need for proactive engagement with the grant scheme.

The expansion of the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) grant scheme represents a proactive approach by Newcastle City Council towards promoting sustainable transportation practices and reducing environmental impact. By fostering greater accessibility to funding support, the council endeavors to empower businesses in their transition towards a greener and more sustainable future.

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